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Term 3 Reflection

Personally, after I completed this module I could say I am get many ideas about how the architect life will be, from beginning that you thinking about different theme and then the following steps that I did many sketches to create a new building for different sector, and my research skills that has develop during this modules, that is really my achievement. Furthermore, this module I focus to looking for many artist and analyse there work, and that really good development for my skills, as well as, I got variety support from my tutors about my writing and how I could developed it, I am happy about the result of the support and encouragement. However, the skills that I developed it when I use different software for both departments Exterior and interior, the result of my work shows a big progress from first project and how I work hard to finalise the final outcome for all the projects. My next plan that I keep looking for what I could improve for my skills for first year such as drawing...

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