Create Design Boards

 Today I will talk about how I desing by boards using Picsart software, and I will add the steps of my work below.

First page was Cover I add the name of museum in germany language, with translate in english.

Also, for the design I add my building in the cover in black and white, and in the side The logo of my company.

 Here I have worked on the introduction, The same way I have add my concept idea, with my building in black and white.

Here I have talk about the demographics And I have include two picture about gender statistics.

In this board I talk about the location, and how my building will be in the reality

This board will be about the materials.

The Boards above are the evaluation of my building 

Last borads was for the floor plan and how I desing it, in each board I put a floor 

That is all my boards


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