Art Portfolio Project: SMART Objective

Today I will work on my idea and prepare for my Sign Off next week, and I have to plan for project and the software that I will work on it. Also, my SMART Objective will be discuss with my tutor next week.

My SMART Objective:

I will make six digital boards related to my faculty architecture, and the Theme that I had chosen Expressionism to build my project. Also, The concept is an office triangle building, and the building having four floors, and I will work on some software such as SketchUp pro, and for creating boards the software I will use Photoshop. This project will take Six week to complete. As my work will be digital sketch using SkecthUp software to complete this work.



  1. I suggest you adjust this based on the discussion we had in the session on Tuesday - your design idea would be better suited to an art space. Either a museum or contemporary gallery space (or a combination of both).

    Moreover, if you are using Expressionism as a theme, the location should reflect that - perhaps it could be in Germany (the birthplace of the movement) and a town or city that was instrumental in the development of this movement. According to this link: ( it originated in the German city of Dresden. Perhaps you could locate your design there and do further research on this city to find a location, think about the demographics of the area and also focus on access (transportation), material availability and so on.


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