What do I know about Architecture

 Today we have an exercise about our knowledge about our subject area. I will answer these question and see if I know about my subject area. 

What should I be doing in my subject area?

desgin buildings and sketch our ideas before using digital softwear and very thing present in boards inculde very thing place and materils also concept.

What skills and knowledge do I need for my subject area?

drawing and using softwear that help to developed the ideas

What jobs can I get by studying in this subject?

Work in architecture company, or open mine company 

If I scored myself out of ten, with ten being the highest, how well do I think I know my own subject area?

I think now I know about my subject area 50% that I have to draw the concept then look for the materils and where the location will be also the weather how we could use some ideas to be in cold in summer and warme in winter.


  1. What would you do to improve your knowledge of your subject area? What affective ways can you do this.

    Blog in general - there is no Project Plan, little follow up on your Sign Off sheet, no evidence of the Skills Week work or much evidence of your project except for the sketches you made in Week 2 & 3. We are in Week 6 now, your deadline is coming up and your Blog is currently not meeting the pass mark. You need to focus on this, please.


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