First thought about themes
Today I will talk about the themes that we will work on the projects, and what I think about it. Also, some infromation about the themes.
first of all, there is three type of themes:
1- Spiders from mars
2- Renaissance
3- Oceanic
After we choce one of this themes, we have to make in 3D and draw it on 2D, and this part make excited and worried at the same time. However, when I think whice theme I will chose to work on it I get confused between two themes first one Oceanic and the second one Renaissance, and that made me not sure whice one I want start to work on.
I will describe the themes that I want to work on like Renaissance, it is about classic style that belong for many years before, and this style still people use it and try to make it more keeping up with this years desing. Also, the desing is type of Italian architecture, that have many details and sculpture with a lot of details and shapes.
However, the Oceanic theme it is about ocean and beach, and this theme more close to me right now because I think right now to go in ocean and refresh my self and mood after stress and psychological pressure. Also, the ocean theme are more based on beach grass and fish, everything near the beach from sand and stone and boat or could the building be in a city with a style of ocean like boat.
Also, I will start to think about the oceanic theme and start to draw my designs.
Could have done with a bit more detail about each of the themes and how you might use them as a starting point for this project.